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Employee Handbook - HR's Sacred Text

Employee Handbook - HR's Sacred Text

Posted on 2nd Jul, 2021

Employee Handbook - HR's Sacred Text

What Is an Employee Handbook?

The employee handbook of an organization - a document which contains information about company policies and procedures, published online or in hard copy - is one of the most important communication tools between a company and its employees. Not only does this handbook set forth the company's expectations from its employees, but also describes what they may expect from the company.

Why Is It Important to Have an Employee Handbook Handy?

The employee handbook is an excellent place to bring together employment and job-related information which employees need to know, such as company expectations and state and federal law compliance information. It can also provide useful source of information to new staff as part of the orientation process. A written employee handbook gives clear advice to employees and creates a culture where issues are dealt with fairly and consistently.

By providing a tool for employees to reference, the employee handbook allows an organization to:

  • Convey the culture of the organization to employees

  • Create the operational foundation of the company

  • Increase the consistency of organizational practices

  • Promote a sense of perceived fairness, equality, and justice among employees

  • Help to reduce potential legal disputes which could occur when employees perceive they are being treated unfairly

Why Outsource the Creation of an Employee Handbook?

At Gennext Strategy Advisors we provide outsourced HR services to small to mid-sized businesses, so that you can focus on what your company does best, and we help you meet your HR need through our expertise.

Our services help businesses like yours keep HR costs contained, reduce employer-related risks, and decrease the administrative burden of HR. With any small business, it's the little things that really matter; and we at GSA we can support you through your journey, with high quality outsourcing of your HR processes. This will not only offer you expert HR services at a fraction of the cost of maintaining an HR team, but will also allow you to concentrate on building or running your business safe in the knowledge you have experts on hand to guide you through the minefield of the latest legislative requirements and best practices.

An Employee Handbook provides clearly established guidelines and rules for your business, designed to ensure consistency in practice and limit your company's liability. Our expert team has created and updated innumerable employee manuals for organizations of varying size, location, and industry, and can craft a Handbook for your business that reflects your company culture while meeting all compliance standards.