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Change Management

Change Management

Posted on 20th Jan, 2021

Change Management


'Change is a constant' is a common adage, one we have all lived with and experienced, particularly in the recent times. Further, in the words of Albert Einstein himself, "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change"... proving that the ability to manage change, is crucial to not just an individual's wellbeing, but an organization's too.

Why is Change Management so Highly Valued?

Change is here to stay. We cannot operate around it; we cannot make it disappear. We cannot simply go back to the good old days. We cannot just go on doing our jobsthe same way we have always done it. We live in a work world wherestakeholders to our businesses are increasingly demanding, technology is changing every aspect of work even as we read this line, and growth and evolution are the name of the game in staying competitive!

In this rapidly transforming environment, effective change management abilities are vital if we hope to succeed. No matter our jobs, we should learn to cope with change. Taking charge of change helps us to foresee and plan for upcoming experiences; and this approach isconsiderably more powerful and proactive vis-à-vis allowing every passing gust of wind to batter our work, lives, and outlooks.

What Exactly is Change Management?

Change management is commonly described as the process by which a company describes and implements change in both its internal and external processes; developing a structured approach for which is key to help ensure a positive transition while alleviating interruptions.

Need for Change Management in Organizations

Change is tricky no matter what your perspective is, but it's especially hard when such a change spans an entire organization. The results of improperly implemented and poorly handled changes can range from being inconvenient be downright disastrous, leading to multiple redundancies, employee displacement, lost business opportunities, and frustration for virtually everyone involved.

However, businesseswho can deal with change successfully can earn distinct advantages over their competitors, which can then make possible even larger accomplishments for the organization. When done right, change management can relieve the ambiguity in employees' minds regarding how the change may affect them, decrease the possibility of an adverse impact on productivity, and engage or re-engage the company's workforce.

Importance of HR in Change Management

The HR function is especially critical in the process of change management, considering that HR has multiple roles to play in managing transformation.

  • Sometimes the HR must initiate and implement a change as this is required by outside forces (e.g., changes in laws, enhancements in safety requirements).

  • At other times, HR is tasked with facilitating change at the request of other internal stakeholders (such as changes in the IT processes for improved efficiency or effectiveness).

  • At other times entirely, HR dons the responsibility to enable change because it is the right thing to do to, given the present and future conditions of the organization and industry.

The Human Resources department thus, must play the role of an agent of change - a conduit which is present throughout the process, right from the initial planning, to the execution; the main reason for this being that effective organizational change at its core, is about effective communication. Communicating well – openly, clearly, and concisely helps bring about positive value by serving as an intermediary between both individuals and departments, while ensuring that everyone has all the information that they need to transition the organization effectively.